Tuesday, August 28, 2007

At Work

So Guys - everytime I spoke with one of my dear German friends I heard thinks like - oh that sound/look like you are on vacation are you even working? YES, I do and that is why I also post a view pictures of my hard working colleagues (at least they are - I had time to shoot pictures and bugging them - as I do the most of the time) Rahel - she is the poorest of my officemates - I am sitting directly in front of her and she has to pay for all of my daly "strange" attacks - Yes I think my former colleagues know about what I am talking ;-)
Matthias - our very professional secretary ;-)
Irene - she is sitting on the other side of the office and is trying - successfully - to ignore us ;-)

And sorry - my picture is so unfavourable (I know - you guys would love that) that I decided not to post that on my private "marketing" page and let you in that misbelief that I look everytime wonderful ;-)


norbert said...

Yes, I also thought you're on vacation. Yes, I remember your strange attacks very well. Yes, I know you're always looking good - nevertheless a picture of you at WORK would be much more convincing :)


Kathy said...

Does that mean you are not beliving me that I am at work ;-)Will try to get a nice one - just need a few more tries.